DMORT is an eclectic group of folks who include pathologists, dentists, x-ray techs, anthropologists, mental health, heavy machine operators, etc. Everyone in the group is brought along to process and id the dead. MH comes along to be support for the workers. I am going to show you the new facility where the offices are. It is 405 feet, I am told slightly longer than a football field and about 5 stories high. We only use the ground floor, there is nothing above us but air. Reportedly this one was military surplus and so we got it. I was told there is one in Iraq like it. The short buildings are the billeting where we sleep. The grounds are surrounded by bright lights on generators and this place looks like Area 51 at night. We sit in the middle of swamp land with this all lit up against the black sky. We are, of course, surrounded by fence with barbed wire on it and there have been a lot of jokes about "how long are you in for?" There have been literally tons of rock brought in to stabilize/firm up the ground. When we get a hard rain, there are puddles of gooey white clay-like ground that leave white on your shoes and back of your pants when you walk on it. They have put in lots of concrete sidewalks, but still you have to walk in it to get to the cars that are parked here. The lounge is nice, but we laugh about the lamps that are sitting on tables with the plugs hanging and no outlet in sight. W

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