Made one last trip to New Orleans before heading home today. Every time I go, there are more restaurants and shops open. One of the restaurants has this fountain with a fire in the middle of it. The local folks tell me that there are not nearly the amount of people on the streets that there usually are, but it looks to me like things are getting up and running. I had one last bowl of gumbo, this bowl complete with a crab claw in it! There was a group of musicians playing on the street and I stopped to listen for a while. Today it is 70 degrees and absolutely gorgeous. We had turkey dinner yesterday at camp with dressing. The turkey dressing had shrimp in it! Tasted ok, just surprised me. I was the last one out of camp today, it was very empty with only the 10 people left who are going to maintain the generators, etc. The morgue will start back up on Dec. 27. It will be sad not to be there with them, but I am eager to start my FEMA job. The folks at the morgue have made so many identifications there are just a few left to do, although