Saturday, November 24, 2012

Everything is in short supply; perishable food, heat, power, gasoline, patience. There are long lines waiting for gas at the gas stations. The lines of cars go down the street and around the block. Some of the lines required police officers to keep the crowd from getting too boisterous. Mostly people waited in an orderly line, but they are out of gas. They can't get to work, they can't take the kids to school, they can't go somewhere warm because they can't drive there. I am in Staten Island where the public transportation system is not as extensive as on Manhattan and people are frustrated. Even when there was finally gas for the cars, it was rationed. Even ending on license plate meant you could fill up on even days. Hours each day are spent trying to survive to get basic items. Some of the people in the gas lines were lining up at night and staying in their cars so they could be the first in line the next morning to get gas.

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